Ahmey’s Pharmacy (Hub) - Cowley
As a Mobility2You Hub, Ahmeys Pharmacy located on Oxford Road, Temple Cowley offers a local Pharmacy point to enquire about mobility aids for yourself or for an elderly or disabled family member or loved one. Serving the local people of South Oxford - including Cowley, Rose Hill, Iffley, New Hinksey & Headington- Ahmey’s Pharmacy is ideal for if you need local Mobility Aids near you.
In addition to affordable and great value disability aids, Ahmey’s Pharmacy & Mobility2You Hub can provide a variety of Flamingo Orthapaedic Sports Supports & Back Braces. The professional NHS team can assist with finding the right independent living products to prevent falls, promote post-operative recovery or just make daily living a little easier.
Pop into Ahmey’s Pharmacy & Mobility Aids Hub or call the Pharmacy on 01865770121 to find out more about Tena Incontinence pants, self propel & transit wheelchairs, scooters, walkers / triwalkers / rollators and other mobility aids in the Mobility2You range.
You can find out more information on their website: https://ahmeysclinic.com/